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Be Random Sis! It’s a part of the plan


Hey Sis, have you ever done something random and you have no idea why you did it but all you know is that you felt it was something that you had to do?  Webster’s Merriam dictionary defines random as a haphazard course. If we break it down further, haphazard is defined as marked by lack of plan, order, or direction.  I am going to personally define random as “being all over the place”.  An example of this could be randomly saying something positive or uplifting to someone and they are overwhelmed by what you said.  Maybe you paid for a stranger’s coffee or a family’s dessert and they are extremely grateful. Maybe you were just being kind to someone at work that others may not really care for and that person thanked you for your kindness. Random actions are done without preplanning and without a need or want for recognition. I have to be honest depending on the act or the situation it can be a little awkward because you are unsure of what type of response you may receive.  It’s okay sis, do it anyway.

The “random act” is God’s way of reassuring people that He cares, and they have a purpose in this world.  You were used as a vessel for that particular moment to restore hope.  Yep that’s right He chose to use you.  That imperfectly perfect Sista, the Sista with the southern drawl, the Sista with the natural hair, the unpolished/non-political Sista, the Sista with the issues, that Sista with self- doubt.  Yep you.  He designed you the way that you are so that he could use you to carry out what he needs done.  He used you because you have a purpose as well and he wants people to know that they are enough.  How dope is that?! Because of your random act, or the life that you spoke in to, someone chose to live another day. Your random act helped someone choose to not give up.  Your “randomness” made someone choose to pay it forward and help change someone else’s life. Look at the impact you have Sis. Do you see how you are tied to another person’s destiny? Isn’t it beautiful?  Don’t give up sis.  Your actions are about to change someone’s life for the better. When you feel the need to be random, act on it!

Galatians 6:9 New International Version (NIV)

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. ~Aesop

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