Who is She?
I am a Wife, Mom, Daughter, Friend, Change Agent, Personal Development Coach, and Veteran! I have been successful and failed during my journey, but most importantly, I am determined to keep going. Although I am not perfect, I do know that God has been guiding my path along the way in each journey. No matter how good or bad my experiences may be, I know they serve a purpose. What is that purpose? To show you that you are not taking this journey called life alone.
Over the years, I have met phenomenal women with stories you would not believe unless you heard them yourself. So, I created the SheSpeakz platform to “Speak Life” into ourselves and those around us. SheSpeakz is a way to tell our stories and encourage women to embrace their journeys. At times it may be uncomfortable, but there is someone who needs to hear your truth. I love meeting other people, listening to others about their life experiences, making connections, and helping others make connections. When women collaborate with
and support other women, amazing things happen.
I am incredibly passionate about leadership, personal development,
mentoring, public speaking, and empowering women to be authentic. After years of coaching and helping others successfully embrace their stories and own who they are, I decided to bet on myself and became a certified personal development coach through the CaPP Institute in June 2022. Recently I stepped out on faith and opened my coaching
practice called “Authentically Me Coaching and Consulting, LLC.” I am
excited about this new journey and the joy it will bring.
Baking, traveling, writing my blog, and spending time with my family and
friends are my favorite pastimes. I reside in the San Antonio, Texas, area with my spouse and two children.
My call to action for you as a reader/follower is to embrace who you are and know that you are enough. We all can use a slight improvement in some areas of our lives but don’t let that stop you from loving yourself and being the best you. I also ask that you take the time to encourage and support one another. In this delicate time, we can all use positivity in our lives. Finally, I ask you to intentionally make a positive impact on the lives of those around you and in your local communities. Use your talents to change the world one good deed, one day at a time.