Hey Sis, if you are like me, you may feel like the list of things that you want to accomplish keeps growing. We tell our family, friends and significant others what we want to do or what we plan on doing but when it comes to the execution piece we have a hard time getting it done. We want to be healthier but we are not consistent in the gym. We want to write a book but we come up with all the excuses as to why we haven’t sat down to start. We want to (insert your goal here). We have to stop talking and start doing. Find an accountability partner or group and get to work. We have to make sure our lips are not the only things moving. We have to intentionally put action behind what we are saying.
You have a community here within SheSpeakz ready to support you and hold you accountable.
So today sis, pull out your journal, see where you need to put in work and let’s get it!
Dig Deep 💋