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Hey Sis! A couple of months ago, SheSpeakz was a little quiet. For those of you that may have wondered why, I personally needed to take a break. I stepped back and took a look at a few relationships that I was in, my priorities (personal and professional) and reevaluated where my focus was. I also took some time to put into practice what I was advising my sisters to do. You know, self care, soul searching, relationship building and evaluating, etc. During this time, I had a few “aha moments” at work. A few “why didn’t I notice this before moments” in relationship with people I truly admired, respected and in some cases I was inspired by. There were also a few “Sis, get your life together moments”. I must say the time was very much needed. Why? Because, it is so easy to get caught up in life being what others want or need you to be that you forget to take care of yourself or set boundaries. Even when you have good intentions. However, I knew that it had to be done so I woke up one day and made the choice to limit myself in certain areas of my life. I notified friends, family and coworkers that I was taking time off from social media. The only way they could truly contact me was at work, text message or they would have to pick up the phone and call me. I deleted social media apps off my phone and for other apps I limited my screen time on them. If I did engage on social media, it was intentional and took effort…who uses a computer to actually log in these days? I also explained to my husband and daughters my plan. They were supportive and probably excited that I was limiting my time to just them. Then my journey begin. I begin to ask myself…what am I going to do with this intentional extra time? To be honest, it did not take long to figure it out. I dealt with work issues at work unless I couldn’t sleep then I would check emails while I was up. I started to focus more on my health and forced myself to exercise more and I was consistent about meal planning. I would get up at 4am and run on the treadmill afterwards I would make sure my water bottles were filled for the day and that my lunch was packed. On the weekends I was able to read a magazine or pick up a book and read a few pages. I was also excited because I was also able to squeeze in a few naps. What I enjoyed most of all was the time I was able to spend with God. My focus was different. Instead of talking to friends every day on my way to work, I would replace it with prayer and a morning worship session. When I arrived at work, I intentionally read my daily devotion to assist in getting my day started before I logged onto my computer. I felt great spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. The process was liberating. I was able to deal with people and things on my own terms instead of me fitting into this box people created for me or that I felt I had to fit in in order to meet the expectations of others. During this time, it was also amazing how God sent people to speak into me as I had done to many others over the years. It was truly a beautiful experience all around.
Sis, I know you are asking yourself right now, how are you going to do this with a lot going on within the next few days? I am glad you asked. As I always say, you are not meant to take this journey alone. Enlist the help of your support team, sister circle or inner circle. Cut out the unnecessary distractions and unrealistic expectations and embrace this newfound path. It can be a little uncomfortable at first but as time goes on and you walk in your new truth, the walk becomes easier and easier.
While you are reflecting on how you are going to implement these new changes, I encourage you to make a list of where you started a year ago, compare it to where you are now and try to contain your excitement with all that you accomplished this year. Stand tall, adjust your crown and walk boldly in who you are. You dear, survived what you didn’t think you could, smashed goals that started out as just a list and you are definitely are not the person you were on 1 Jan 2018. As the year 2018 ends and 2019 begins, I challenge you to take the first step to create a healthier environment for yourself and make changes that intentionally focus solely on you. Remember it is a process and may take some time. Be patient with yourself and those around you, be flexible and enjoy the journey and the road to the person you are becoming!
I would also like to thank you for your support as we took this walk together starting on April 11, 2018. I am forever grateful for you and your willingness to take this journey with me called life. I couldn’t have asked for a better support system and I truly believe that God connected us. He knew our “Dope Souls” need to cross each other’s path in order for us to carry out life’s plan.
I wish you a great end to 2018 and a Blessed & Prosperous year in 2019 and beyond!
Remember when SheSpeakz and shares her story, SheSpeakz life.
She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness.
~Proverbs 31:26